Sabtu, 08 November 2008

Editing Set

Editing Suite
Offline – Online editing, real time editing, rendering berbasing computer / komputer dengan pci card atau firewire link. Avaliable in Analog format 480i, Standard definition – standard digital interface [sd-sdi] 720i, High Definition – standard digital interface [hd-sdi] 1080i. Normal 4:3, Widescreen 16:9, Cinema wide 18:9. Interface DV13 home user, DV 25 profesional, DV 50 Broadcast, DV100 Cinema, DV 400 Slow motion, DV 800 super slow motion sport. Grip, Grabber.

Analog, Digital Editing.

Xpri NS, Video Technics VT Proxy Editor, Adobe Premiere, Apella Media Server, Sobey Editmax, Sony Vegas, Quantel SQ, Newauto Himalaya, IMC media producer, Harris Velocity NX, Grass Valley Aurora, GVG Canopus Edius, Lightworks Alacrity, geevs, EVS Cleansuite, Dayang D3 Edit, Matrox Axio RTX, Octopus News, Digital Rapid ENG.

Radio On The Spot Direct

Radio on Demand
Kami membangun radio portable by request / customizable / custom sesuai kebutuhan. Radio dapat langsung on-air, tanpa tergantung listrik. Station radio ini telah dilengkapi laptop untuk playlist, mic penyiar, pemancar, antenna dan tiangnya, serta sel surya / solar cell dan battery / baterai untuk power unit pengganti listrik. Cocok untuk daerah terpencil, keperluan darurat, perang, kebakaran hutan, forest fire, illegal logging, pabrik, kantor, penanganan bencana alam, atau daerah dengan keperluan / kebutuhan listrik mandiri.

Portable Recording

Porta Record
Porta record adalah interface digital simple yang memungkinkan anda melakukan recording secara mudah, dimanapun kapanpun. Porta record didesain dalam kotak , wadah, case kecil yang mudah dibawa , light / ringan dan transportable. Porta record juga bisa untuk frontline / frontrow stasiun / siaran radio, station radio broadcasting. Juga untuk terminal repeater, receiver atau transmisi terestrial.


Digital Media, any format, any decks, any vtr, any docking - dockable.

DVCam, HDV, XDCam EX, Digital Betacam, Xdcam, XDCam HD, HDCam, HDCam SR
DVC, DVCPro, DVCpro 50, DVCPro HD, P2, P2 HD
Pro DV, Pro HD, D-9 HD, HDV
DV, Mini DV, HDV
Thomson Grass Valley
AVCHD, SD HD, DVD, DVD+, DVD+RW, DVD+R, VCD, Mini DV, Hi8, Umatic, S-VHS, D-VHS, VHS, Blu-Ray, HD-DVD

SONY, Canon, Panasonic, JVC, Philips, Samsung, LG, Telefunken, Marshall, Sharp, Hitachi, Toshiba, National

Big Mixer

Big Mix
Jaman sekarang interface digital audio ke komputer telah mendunia. Kami menyediakan interface digital DAW [digital audio workstation] dengan MADI / MIDI / AES / EBU input output dengan processing, mute, reverb, effect, gate, delay full digital. Console mixer digital mulai 2channel / 2kanal sampai 128kanal. Soundcard masuk ke slot pci-e atau pci komputer.

Aplikasi Function Mixer
Front Of House [FOH]
- Live Show / panggung, Live Attraction / gedung atraksi, Recording
- Exceptional sound quality
- Flexible console configurations - I/O,XFAD, VCA, groups, matrix
- Smart automation and live functions,OverRam
- Multi-format mix busses
- Full processing, inc. delays on outputs
- Off-line programming
- Small footprint, more paying customers

- Side fill, Stage Monitor, BackSound, Surround Sound, Dolby THX, 2.1, 3.1, 4.1, 5.1, 7.1 Configuration.
- Console surface designed for fastprecise control
- Clear view of all Aux / bus sends
- Mono, Stereo or Multi-format Aux (IEM)
- Full processed inputs and outputs
- Routing of processed groups and auxto matrix or master
- Independent panning for eachof the 32 busses

- Worship, Church / gereja, Mosque / masjid, Cinema / bioskop, Private Soundroom, Home Theatre
- Configurable for specific show layouts
- XFAD for multi-format sources
- Mulitiple Matrix and bus masters
- Show automation: snapshot,manual or MTC synch, crossfades
- Live functions inc OverRam, Relax,Off-Line
- New Q/pages for display and control

Live to Air
- Studio, Outdoor Broadcast
- Flexible bus outputs and distribution
- Multiple program masters and matrix
- Signalization control
- Automation and Relax functions
- Exceptional audio quality
- Optional external I/O DSPand stage boxes
- External PSU options
- Small footprint, ideal for OB applications


Microphone adalah perangkat input untuk suara / sound. Ada beberapa jenis yaitu dynamic, condenser, electret dan dual diaphragm condenser. Mike yang baik adalah mik yang responnya rata mulai low frequency sampai high frequency. Ada juga jenis mic wireless dan mic yang tergabung dengan headphone dalam headset secara wired / cable atau wireless. Juga memperkenalkan ribbon mic dengan digital phantom processing Electrodynamic pressure gradient with active electronics or Electrodynamic pressure gradient with vacuum tube electronics.
Terakhir memperkenalkan shotgun mic dengan pre-polarized condenser element. Pattern nya circular, super cardioid lobe shape, heart shape, bell shape, bentuk hati dan bentuk lonceng.

Mic dynamic condenser electret dan dual diaphragm / single diafragma condenser valve membrane fet line array

Shure, Trantec, DPA, DBA, Clark Audio, Beyer, Sanken, Seenheiser, Countryman, AKG, Astatic, Audio Technica, BSS, Crown, EMO, Klark Teknik, Neuman, Sony, Akai, Denon, Lexicon, Apogee, Arrakis, Axia, Klotz, Rode, JBL, Fostex, Toft, gefell, royer.